Program praktyk letnich!
This year, summer internships have been suspended, but we encourage you to participate in our internship program.
See you soon!
Więcej informacji na temat praktyk:
Warunkiem rozpoczęcia praktyk jest:
- wysłanie zgłoszenia (CV) na adres :
- w treści maila należy wpisać preferowany termin odbywania praktyk;
- podpisanie porozumienie/ umowy między Spółką a Uczelnią do dnia 30.04.2018r.;
- posiadanie aktualnej książeczki do celów sanitarno – epidemiologicznych lub orzeczenia lekarskiego z badania przeprowadzonego do celów sanitarno -epidemiologicznych;
Praktyki trwają po 8 godzin dziennie przez 5 dni w tygodniu i są nieodpłatne
Uprzejmie informujemy, że skontaktujemy się tylko z wybranymi kandydatamiDid you know that...
- We are the leader on the OTC market in Poland
- Our products are available in 30 countries around the world
- Our team has over 1500 employees and is constantly growing
- We have 1 place to sell medicines without a prescription in Poland
If you want to:
- Co-create a young, friendly and dynamic team
- Make new challenges every day, enriching your work experience
- Have the opportunity to develop and implement your own concepts
Please include in your CV the following clause:
I agree to the processing of my personal data provided in the attached CV and other application documents by Aflofarm Farmacja Polska sp. O.o. with headquarters in Pabianice at ul. Partyzanckiej 133/151, 95-200 Pabianice, as personal data administrator, for the implementation of the ongoing recruitment process. Granting consent is voluntary, but necessary to take part in recruitment. The consent may be withdrawn at any time by sending a statement to the e-mail address: or to the address of the registered office indicated above.
I agree to the processing of my personal data provided in the attached CV and other application documents by Aflofarm Farmacja Polska sp. O.o. with headquarters in Pabianice at ul. Partyzanckiej 133/151, 95-200 Pabianice, for the purposes of implementing future employee recruitment procedures, conducted within one year from the date of submitting application documents. Granting consent is voluntary, and consent may be withdrawn at any time by sending a statement to the e-mail address: or to the address of the registered office indicated above.