Lokomotiv lozenges
Lokomotiv lozenges: - relieve discomfort (nausea and dizziness) during travel - is recommended for people with motion sickness. Lokomotiv lozenges contain ginger rhizome extract which helps reduce symptoms of motion sickness. Ginger relieves discomfort (nausea and dizziness) experienced when travelling by car, train, plane or ship.
Character lozenges. 6 pcs
Kategoria Commonly used foodstuff
Odwiedź stronę produktu www.lokomotiv.pl
Additional information
ginger rhizome extract
Marketing Authorization Holder
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Marketing Authorization
Information for the consumer
Foodstuff means any substance or product, processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended for human consumption or which human consumption can be expected.
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