Calominal duo
Calominal duo:
- supports the treatment of overweight
- reduces the amount of fats and sugars absorbed from food
- reduces the amount of calories delivered to the body
The product’s components have the ability to bind lipids and carbohydrates. Thanks to its properties, the medical product Calominal duo reduces the amount of fats and sugars absorbed from food, and thus reduces the amount of calories supplied to the body. In addition, the product increases the feeling of satiety and reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Through its action, Calominal duo supports the reduction and control of body weight. The use of the product should be combined with physical activity and a healthy diet.
Character powder for oral solution. 150 g g
Category Medical devices
Additional information
Special warnings and recommended precautions Do not use in children or adolescents. Do not use if allergic to crustacean, fish or shellfish products or to any of the product ingredients. Do not use in patients with a body mass index (BMI) lower than 18.5, with dysphagia, with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis), with symptoms of intestinal obstruction, with gastric paralysis, with intestinal polyps, with severe indigestion, with constipation, after gastric bypass or reduction surgery. Persons with digestive or metabolic disorders and persons taking medicines limiting intestinal peristalsis should consult a doctor about the possibility of using Calominal duo. Persons over 80 years of age should not lose weight without a doctor's consent. Do not use during pregnancy and breast feeding. The product is colored with beta-carotene, which is a source of vitamin A. Beta-carotene contained in 4 doses of the product covers approximately 116% of the daily requirement for vitamin A. During the use of Calominal duo do not take any vitamin A preparations. Do not apply Calominal duo simultaneously with lipophilic drugs (eg. oral contraceptives, vitamins D, E and K, some antibiotics). An interval of at least 4 hours should be observed between taking these medicines and taking Calominal duo. People taking hypolipemic medicines (e.g. statins, fibrates) or hypoglycemic (anti-diabetic) medicines may use Calominal duo only after prior consultation with a doctor. Calominal duo is not a replacement for these medicines. If any medicines are taken long-term, consult your doctor before using Calominal duo. The product has no ability to bind such food components as protein or alcohol.
glukomannan, chitozan, kwas cytrynowy, aromat multitropic, maltodekstryna DE 20, acesulfam K, sukraloza, betakaroten, sacharynian sodu.
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Information for the user
A medical device is intended for treatment of medical conditions or relief of their symptoms where the essential intended effect is achieved by means other than the use of pharmacological, immunological or metabolic agents.
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